What is JET equity Portfolio?

Caution: Our style need not be Your approach!

Disclaimer: Stocks mentioned (if any) here are not recommendation. Consult your financial advisor before taking any investment decisions. Read full disclaimer here

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The jet equity portfolio is the combination of consistent compounder, US tech stocks and Indian emerging mid to small cap companies. It is a methodological build up to force a decipline and a systematic risk management approach.

(a) consistent compounder businesses are rock solid business to provide steady 20% CAGR

(b) US tech stocks have global exposer and hopefully it will surprise everyone with some extra ordinary return. Besides, it will provide a growth engine even when Indian market are not performing upto the expectation. There is always gain from currency depreciation

(c) Futher, there is constant search of winners, which can blast in next 10 years time.

Jet equity portfolio  believes in holding a share for at least 10 years or never invest at all. It is expected to perform in all weather and create huge wealth at 20% CAGR. Jet equity portfolio consciously invest in FMCG, Tech, Pharma and Finance business, which are not generally cyclical in nature.

There is age, goal, profession and risk appetite based investment approach which is decided by a financial adviser. A financial advicer study commerce, finance, busnisess related courses for years and become chartered accountant, SEBI registard advisor after years of studies, courses, experience and exams. 

The goal of the blog is to share our day to day life-work in public domain as a journey. We hopefully will become mature, experienced and sharper along the walk, till then enjoy the rough ride with us. We are young, without much family burden and new earned excess money to burn. Your situation will not be similar for sure but reading the blog will help you to ask the right question to yourself and your financial adviser about your money management. So, you are now aware of what your are getting from here.

Disclaimer: Stocks mentioned (if any) here are not recommendation. Consult your financial advisor before taking any investment decisions. Read full disclaimer here
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